Fight Like a YA Girl Tag

Thank you so much Mandy for tagging me for this super awesome, inspiring tag! When I first saw it, I really, really liked it. Different kinds of strength is an interesting topic to me that needs to be explored more (I even have my own Women's Strength in Fiction Series) It's really inspirational, makes you think more … Continue reading Fight Like a YA Girl Tag

Totally Should Have Book Tag

Thanks Sophie @Blame it on Chocolate for tagging me for this very fun tag! If you haven't checked out her blog, you have to right now! She has amazing book content, including tags and reviews! And more.  TOTALLY SHOULD’VE GOTTEN A SEQUEL: I can't think of many stand-alones  where a sequel is necessary, but I would be … Continue reading Totally Should Have Book Tag

Analyzing Women’s Strength in Fiction: Emotional Strength in Books

Sorry for being so late this week! With homework and just life in general, I totally forgot about this post. Anyway, this arc will be about women's emotional strength in fiction. I've noticed that female characters who are characterized as sweet or helpful are often hated. While not all emotionally strong women can be called … Continue reading Analyzing Women’s Strength in Fiction: Emotional Strength in Books