Princess Sidekicks Book Tag

Thanks Mandy for tagging me for this fun and creative tag! Please check her out, she has such creative content. MUSHU FROM MULAN/OLAF + SVEN FROM FROZEN THE COMIC RELIEF – NAME YOUR FAVORITE HILARIOUS CHARACTER OR YOUR FAVORITE COMEDY/FUNNY BOOK A Webtoon, not a book. I don't read many funny books. But of course, … Continue reading Princess Sidekicks Book Tag

Rapid Fire Book Tag

I have seen this tag everywhere but have yet to actually do here we are! The goal is to give short and simple answers! E-Book or Physical Book? Physical books. I've said numerous times that there's something about e-books that I don't like sensory wise. I just like the feeling of books. Paperback or … Continue reading Rapid Fire Book Tag

The High School Book Tag

I was tagged by Icebreaker months back for this tag, and I'm only just now getting to it...yikes. The Rules: • Thank the creators: Namitha @ TeenMemoir and Jasmine @ HowUsefulItIs • Answer the questions. • Add pictures! (If you want to) • Tag (about) 5 people. A+ on the test: A book or character that makes you … Continue reading The High School Book Tag

Halloween Creatures Book Tag

Thanks Mandy @ Book Princess Reviews for tagging me for this tag! If, for some reason, you haven't checked out her blog yet, you should: she has a wide variety of book reviews and features, and is definitely one of the most unique book bloggers out there. However, before we get to the tag, a quick announcement: … Continue reading Halloween Creatures Book Tag

The Horror Movie Book Tag

Thanks Icebreaker for tagging me for this super timely tag! If you haven't yet checked out her blog, do so now; she posts about practically everything, from books to manga and anime to video games! I have a strange relationship with horror. I love reading horror books, but with movies it's weird; I prefer psychological horror, so … Continue reading The Horror Movie Book Tag

The Time and Place Book Tag

Thanks Icebreaker for tagging me for this tag! It's a really unique one. This tag was created by Jen Campbell.  Rule: Pick ten books from your shelves that you associate with a specific time and place in your life. Tell us the story behind your choices and what the books are about. Like Icebreaker, I'm a little lost … Continue reading The Time and Place Book Tag

The New Disney Princess Book Tag

I remember when Mandy from Book Princess Reviews and Zuky from Book Bum first created this tag. Mandy even tagged me for it right off the back! Way back in May...but that was around the time my tags drafts became kinda wonky, and I may have deleted this...whoops. Sorry for taking so long to get … Continue reading The New Disney Princess Book Tag

My 7 Favorite Book Protagonists (At the moment)

I'm having a touch of writer's block today, and since I have a mild headache and slightly blurred vision  (I had to have my eyes dilated at the eye doctor's today) I decided to do something more low key and choose to talk about some of my favorite book protagonists. The main thing to remember … Continue reading My 7 Favorite Book Protagonists (At the moment)

Fight Like a YA Girl Tag

Thank you so much Mandy for tagging me for this super awesome, inspiring tag! When I first saw it, I really, really liked it. Different kinds of strength is an interesting topic to me that needs to be explored more (I even have my own Women's Strength in Fiction Series) It's really inspirational, makes you think more … Continue reading Fight Like a YA Girl Tag

The Greek Gods Book Tag

Thanks Chaotic Everything for tagging me for this! You may not know this, but I used to absolutely love Greek mythology as a kid! (I think Percy Jackson influenced that, lol)  The Rules: Pingback to me here (BookBum Zuky created this tag!) so I can read all your posts!! You can use my graphics if ya like, but … Continue reading The Greek Gods Book Tag